Risks of smoking

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Risks and dangers of smoking tobacco

The risks of smoking are severe and too many to be worth smoking. Here we mention some with the hope that you reflect and look for a solution if you or someone you love is smoking. You should also check: What happens when you quit smoking.

Health risks of smoking

  • Almost any type of cancer: 
    • Lung
    • Mouth
    • Throat
    • Larynx
    • Breast
    • Bladder
    • Cervix
    • Colon
    • Rectum
    • Liver
    • Kidney
    • Pancreas
    • Stomach
    • Other Cancers
  • Risk of heart disease.
  • Risk of developing COPD.
  • Coughs, sputum production, wheezing.
  • Worst circulation and you lung function decreased.
  • Your immune system gets weaker.
  • Die earlier.

Physical risks of smoking

  • Poor taste of food and smell.
  • Yellow or blackened teeth.
  • Premature wrinkles.
  • Greying and hair loss.
  • Yellow fingernails.
  • Dry skin.
  • You look older.
  • You have a worse quality of life.
  • Bad breath.
  • Bad smell.
  • Feel anxious all the time.
  • You have a worse quality of life.

Cutting down is one way to improve your habits

Maybe cutting down is the answer for you, learn more.

Social and family risks of smoking

· The people around you have to live with your bad breath and bad cigarette smell.

· You affect the people you love because you make them passive smokers.

· You teach your children, nephews and minors in general that smoking is acceptable, which puts them at risk.

· You have less energy for the people you love.

· If you get sick from smoking in the future, you will put a huge burden on the people you love.

Sex, reproductive and pregnancy risks of smoking

· Your sex life can be diminished.

· You can have difficult to achieve and maintain erection.

· You can have a poor reproductive health outcomes.

· Can’t have an orgasm.

· In pregnancy the risk of low birth weight baby.

quit smoking now and help your family pregnancy
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